'Cutting off my finger was my proudest moment', The Independent, Friday 14 December 2012 Dissident Chinese artist Sheng Qi is less recognisable than his peer Ai Weiwei, but his work is just as subtly provocative. In 1989, in protest at the Tiananmen Square massacre he chopped off his little finger and buried it in a porcelain flowerpot in Beijing. Some of of his work focuses on replicating this act of anger and defiance, while other works subvert stereotypical images of Chinese power and propaganda. 伦敦艺术展解读“神坛上的毛泽东” BBC中文网 子川 中国艺术家盛奇的“走进世界的人民币·走进神坛的毛主席”个展周二(11月6日)在伦敦“画”画廊开幕。 Sheng Qi: «Europa me ha enseñado humanidad» Marbella acoge hasta el próximo 15 de septiembre una veintena de obras del polémico artista censurado en su país Exhibe por primera vez en España su producción que refleja la crudeza de la represión china. NIEVES CASTRO. DIARIOSUR.ES. MARBELLA. Viernes, 23 julio 2010 The responsibility of the ordinary, Michele Vicat Sheng Qi attracted international attention at the landmark exhibition << Between Past and Future - New Photography and Video from China >> held in New York in 2004 at the International Center of Photography and the Asia Society.The Catalog's cover shows a photograph that would become the central icon of Sheng Qi's interpretation of history. click to read more >> Sheng Qi - Picturing History, Dr. Katie Hill Paintings and skulls as memento moriHistory is always subjective. For the past ten years, Sheng Qi's work has focused on human lives as political subjects affected by historical events, framed by his own life-time of some forty years. His new work, a series of history paintings and a set of hundreds of painted skulls, exudes an aesthetic sombreness which is unprecedented and marks a new stage in his development as an artist. click to read more >> An interview with Sheng Qi, William Corwin A shipment of bronze astronauts has just arrived at Sheng Qi's hangar-like studio.There are ten half-scale and four life-size sculptures.They don't stick out all that much, surrounded by giant paintings of Lhasa, protesters, execution squads, busts of Mao, a drum set (hallmark of artistic coolness), and, at the center of the room, a low table with a miniature Tian'amen Gate surrounded by toy-like tanks, one or two of them overturned. click to read more >> Sheng Qi on the past, present and future of China, David Green - Special to GlobalPost, June 3, 2009 BEIJING — Leaning against a wall of the F2 Gallery in the east end of Beijing's Dashanzi art district is a painting of an attractive Chinese public security official. She has an austere pale beauty, accentuated by the image's black and grey coloring, but the real kicker is the bright-red 100-yuan bill she coyly holds in front of her crotch. click to read more >> Return To Tiananmen Square, 20 Years Later, Barry Petersen - CBS Interactive, May 31, 2009 Artist Sheng Qi said of the Tank Man, "Compared to 4 tanks, the man is tiny, but he is powerful."Sheng is called the "Four Finger Artist" - after the Tiananmen massacre, he cut off a finger as a kind of protest, then fled to London, where he first saw the Tank Man picture.
Published on 14 Nov 2012. A look at Sheng Qi's first ever solo exhibition in London, at Hua Gallery. Film by Oz Thakkar
VOUZ! Magazine, July 2017 In his first solo show with GX Gallery, Sheng Qi presented an enthralling, satirical, yet critical, slice of contemporary Chinese history, politics, economics and propaganda, illustrated by his characteristic Pop style. Published on 15 Oct 2013. Galleria Aria Art Gallery - Firenze - Dal 20 Settembre al 17 Novembre 2013.
盛奇 是一位艺术家。 转过身看着自己——行为艺术家盛奇访谈 in ARTLINKART 一人独自登上东便门角楼,立在阒静、具有回音的画廊看画——去往红门画廊看展览的每次经历都象一个仪式,好象去看一个从巴颜乌素海回来的朋友。 看盛奇2004年冬季在红门画廊展出的作品也有同感,仿佛读玛尼经文,躺在湖边的石头上刻着充满谶纬气息的文字,眼中是飘动的幡、吟念经文翕动的唇和缭绕的烟。
中英文化交流年闭幕艺术庆典艺术家:盛奇. 凤凰艺术 2016-01-08 艺术家盛奇现工作、生活于北京和伦敦。1965 年出生于合肥,1988 年毕业于中央工艺美术学院(现清华大学美术学院)。1998 年毕业于英国伦敦圣马丁艺术设计学院, 获艺术硕士学位。
Interview with Contemporary Chinese Artists - how i got on the road of art, Chinese New Year 2023, London. 中国当代艺术家访谈录-我是如何走上艺术道路的, 2023 春节 伦敦 List of Artists: Zheng Yuke “Art is a dialogue with one’s own soul” Cai Yuan (English) “From a young prisoner in Nanjing to a brilliant student at the Royal Academy of Arts in London”. Chen Yufei “is about to leave until it seems like he has arrived”. 艺术家名单:郑玉珂 “艺术是与自己的灵魂对话”.蔡元(英)“从南京的少年囚徒到伦敦皇家艺术学院的高材生”.陈宇飞 “就要出走到恍如抵达”
Published on 14 Nov 2012. A look at Sheng Qi's first ever solo exhibition in London, at Hua Gallery. Film by Oz Thakkar
VOUZ! Magazine, July 2017 In his first solo show with GX Gallery, Sheng Qi presented an enthralling, satirical, yet critical, slice of contemporary Chinese history, politics, economics and propaganda, illustrated by his characteristic Pop style. Published on 15 Oct 2013. Galleria Aria Art Gallery - Firenze - Dal 20 Settembre al 17 Novembre 2013.
中英文化交流年闭幕艺术庆典艺术家:盛奇. 凤凰艺术 2016-01-08 艺术家盛奇现工作、生活于北京和伦敦。1965 年出生于合肥,1988 年毕业于中央工艺美术学院(现清华大学美术学院)。 1998 年毕业于英国伦敦圣马丁艺术设计学院, 获艺术硕士学位。
Interview with Contemporary Chinese Artists - how i got on the road of art, Chinese New Year 2023, London. 中国当代艺术家访谈录-我是如何走上艺术道路的, 2023 春节 伦敦